Singing a trio from “The Sound of Music” with my husband and 13 year old son at a concert in May 2019.

Singing a trio from “The Sound of Music” with my husband and 13 year old son at a concert in May 2019.

Directing the Children’s Chorus at St. David’s Episcopal church in Austin, October 2019.

Directing the Children’s Chorus at St. David’s Episcopal church in Austin, October 2019.


A shot from the micro-opera, “Misfortune” by Eva Conley Kendrick (composer) and Mark Harvey Levine (librettist) from One Ounce Opera’s 5th Festival of micro-operas in February 2020.


From the micro-opera, “Part of the Act” by Liam Wade (composer) and John Grimmet (librettist) from One Ounce Opera’s first Festival of Micro-operas in 2016.

Performing the chamber work, “Finite Differences” by Kennith D. Froelich (composer) and John Grimmet (librettist) with Density 512 at Austin’s Fast Forward Festival in September 2018.

Performing the chamber work, “Finite Differences” by Kennith D. Froelich (composer) and John Grimmet (librettist) with Density 512 at Austin’s Fast Forward Festival in September 2018.

Performing the chamber work, “Triptych” by Arthur Shepherd with the Marian Anderson String Quartet in Bryan, Texas in February 2010.

Performing the chamber work, “Triptych” by Arthur Shepherd with the Marian Anderson String Quartet in Bryan, Texas in February 2010.